This website
comes to live posthumous.
It aims to preserve Prof. Giovanni Ferrero's work who was teacher at the University
of Genoa and was the only Italian scholar who has investigated in deep the
Archaic Cosmology with a scientific approach.
It aims also to realize the project to broadly divulgate his work - something
that Prof. Ferrero himself has been prevented to do personally because of
his sudden pass-away.
The website structure is designed to remember and to stress the humanity and
moral rectitude of a person who has pursued the objective of his personal,
friend and working life with outstanding loyalty and honesty, a person who,
for many, has been a thought and life master, a person who has made of his
own immense culture the way of being in the world, a person whose memory and
whose esteem are impressed in the memory of those who have understood and
loved him.
Nobility of character and elitist vision of culture have made Prof. Ferrero
a person outside of every political and power logic, a person not incline
to compromises: an authentically free person.
Finally this website is turned to scholars with similar traits: to an elite
of researchers, scientists, literates, philosophers that would aim to test
- recalling Dante - that "pan de li angeli del quale / vivesi qui
ma non sen vien satollo
(Pd II, 11 -